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1. ...Ваш о. Александр. Публикация Дианы Виньковецкой. Бостон, 1998.mht
2. An Organization Game as a New Form of Organizing and a Method for Developing
Collective Thinking Activity.mht
3. Anna Rotkirch - The playing -80's - Russian Activity Games.htm
4. Arnold Tsofnas - Universalism and parametric systems theory.doc
5. Aнри Бергсон - Две формы памяти.txt
6. Basic Principles in Analyzing Instruction and Development from the
Perspective of the Theory of Activity.mht
7. Boethius - Consolatio Philosophiae, ed. G.Weinberger.txt
8. Cat Salomon_at_ Путешествия вне тела или миссия Кастанеды.htm
9. Christof Gunzi H. - Struktur und existenz. Гюнцль Кристофер - Структура и
10. Clement Greenberg - Beginnings of Modernism.doc
11. Configuration as a method of structuring complex knowledge.mht
12. ContemporaryArt_programme.doc
13. Cyxов А.Д. Философ ли Л.Н.Толстой.htm
14. Cьюзен Зонтаг - Хепенинги. Искусство безоглядных сопоставлении.doc
15. Derrida's Differance and Plato's Different.pdf
16. Dmitry Olshansky - Narratives of the Self and Identity.htm
17. Dmitry Olshansky - Non-classical Paradigm of Reading.htm
18. Erich Fromm - About the Younger Generation (selected by Rainer Funk).pdf
19. Erich Fromm - Freedom in the Work Situation.pdf
20. Erich Fromm - Individual and Social Origins of Neurosis.pdf
21. Erich Fromm - Interview with Mike Wallace.pdf
22. Erich Fromm - Man’s Needs. Interview with Huston Smith.pdf
23. Erich Fromm - Psychoanalysis and Sociology.pdf
24. Erich Fromm - Psychoanalytic Characterology and Its Application to the
Understanding of Culture.pdf
25. Erich Fromm - Selfishness and Self-Love.pdf
26. Erich Fromm - The Psychology of Normalcy.pdf
27. Erich Fromm - The Social Philosophy of Will Therapy.pdf
28. Erich Fromm - Values, Psychology and Human Existence.pdf
29. Erich Fromm - Violence and Its Alternatives. An Interview with Frederick W.
30. Eugene Afonasin - Dionysius The Areopagite in the contex of byzantine –
slavonic literary relations.htm
31. Everett M. Rogers - Diffusion of innovations. Third Edition.pdf
32. F. William Engdahl - HOW THE WORLD REALLY WORKS.doc
33. Feliks Mikhailov - The Riddle of the Self.doc
34. Gabbay D.M., Guenthner F. (eds.) - Handbook of philosophical logic (Vol. 1)
(2005)(2nd ed.)(en).ps
35. Gabbay D.M., Guenthner F. (eds.) - Handbook of philosophical logic (Vol. 2)
(2005)(2nd ed.)(en).ps
36. Gabbay D.M., Guenthner F. (eds.) - Handbook of philosophical logic (Vol. 4)
(2005)(2nd ed.)(en).ps
37. Gabbay D.M., Guenthner F. (eds.) - Handbook of philosophical logic (Vol. 5)
(2005)(2nd ed.)(en).ps
38. Gabbay D.M., Guenthner F. (eds.) - Handbook of philosophical logic (Vol. 6)
(2005)(2nd ed.)(en).ps
39. Gabbay D.M., Guenthner F. (eds.) - Handbook of philosophical logic (Vol. 7)
(2005)(2nd ed.)(en).ps
40. Game approach to stimulating communication, thought, activity.mht
41. Georgii P. Fedotov - BERDYAEV -- THE THINKER.htm
42. Grover A. Zinn, Jr. - MANDALA SYMBOLISM.html
43. Heidegger - Zur Sache des Denkens.pdf
44. Heidegger, Martin - Identit__t Und Differenz.pdf
45. Ian Hinckfuss - The Moral Society - Its Structure and Effects.doc
47. Kraevsky V. - Paradigm shift in modern sceince of education.htm
49. L_Annaei Senecae_ Phaedra.htm
50. L_N_Tolstoy - Christianity and patriotism.htm
51. L_N_Tolstoy - To the chineese people from the Christian.htm
52. Leonid A. Gavrilov, Ph. D. - Детали головоломки.doc
53. Lib_Ru Лев Николаевич Толстой.htm
54. M.K.Мамардашвили, А.М.Пятигорский - Символ и сознание (Под общей редакцией
55. M_K_ Мамардашвили, А_М_ Пятигорский - Символ и сознание.htm
56. M_M_Bahtin - On methodology of humanities.htm
57. M_N_Epstein - Ecology of the text.htm
58. M_N_Epstein - From notes and poems of Ivan Solovev.htm
59. M_N_Epstein - Interesting.htm
60. M_N_Epstein - Messiah speaches by Ivan Solovev.htm
61. M_N_Epstein - Post-atheism or poor religion.htm
62. M_N_Epstein - Rose of the world and Antishrist reign.htm
63. M_В_Разумовская_ Жизнь и творчество Франсуа де Ларошфуко.htm
64. Marat Kunafin. The Personality and Artificial Intellect. The tendencies of
XXIst century.doc
65. McHale Brian - Constructing Postmodernism.doc
66. Methodological organization of system-structural research and development
principles and general framework.mht
67. Methodological problems of system research.mht
68. Michael A.De Budyon - Гитлер и Христос.txt
69. Michael A.De Budyon. Гитлер и Христос.htm
70. N.O. Lossky - N. BERDYAEV.htm
71. N20_ О вреде неправды.htm
72. N20_ Эволюция сознания в документах_ Часть Первая_ 2.htm
73. No20_ Инструкция.htm
74. №20_ Йогические ясли.htm
75. №20_ Контркультура.htm
76. №20_ О ВРЕДЕ НЕПРАВДЫ (возможное нейрофизиологическое обоснование).htm
77. №20_ Отчет о лечении зуба.mht
78. №20_ Первый шаг Честное Самопроявление.htm
79. №20_ Принципиальные вопросы общей теории Чакр.htm
80. №20_ Принципы современной психической самозащиты.htm
81. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - Creer y pensar.pdf
82. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - El sentido histХrico de la teorбa de Einstein.pdf
83. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - Historia como sistema.pdf
84. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - Ideas y creencias.pdf
85. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - La idea de las generaciones.pdf
86. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - La rebeliХn de las masas.pdf
87. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - Misiвn de la universidad.pdf
88. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - Para los niдos espaдoles.pdf
89. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - QuВ es filosofбa.pdf
90. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - Sobre el estudiar y el estudiante.pdf
91. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - Sobre el poder de la prensa.pdf
92. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - Sobre el punto de vista en las artes.pdf
93. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - Sobre las carreras.pdf
94. Ortega Y Gasset, JosВ - Una fiesta de paz.pdf
95. Ortega y Gasset, JosВ - Verdad y perspectiva.pdf
96. P_Рорти - Философия и будущее.htm
97. Paul de Mann - Blindess and Insight.txt
98. Pavla Jonssonov - Gender and Culture.doc
99. Piskoppel A.A. - Science, Reason, and Knowledge in SRW-Methodology.htm
100. Platon Bureev and Petr Shchedrovitski - Methodology Can Do Everything.htm
101. Popper Karl - New foundations for logic.pdf
103. Sanctus Aurelius Augustinus - De libero arbitrio_О свободе воли.htm
104. Schedrovitsky G.P. - Concerning the analysis of initial principles and
conceptions of formal logic.htm
105. Schedrovitsky G.P. - Problems in the development of planning activity.htm
106. SENTENTIAE. Научные труды по теме Мироздание. Структура, этапы становления
и развития.doc
107. Shpengler O_Закат Европы T1.rar
108. Shpengler O_Закат Европы T2.rar
109. Slavoj Zizek - Das fragile Absolute. Warum es sich lohnt, das christliche
Erbe zu verteidigen.pdf
110. Slavoj Zizek - Lacan in Hollywood.pdf
111. Slavoj Zizek - Psychoanalysis And The Post-political An Interview.pdf
112. Slavoj Zizek - Repeating Lenin.htm
113. SLAVOJ ZIZEK, lecture.htm
114. Tommaso Campanella - Город Солнца.htm
115. Tragedy, Satyr-Play, and Telling Silence in Nietzsche's Thought of Eternal
116. Two Types of Leadership Relations in Children's Group Activity.mht
117. V. A. Bazhanov - Ocerki sotsialnoj istorii logiki v Rossii [Sketches of the
social history of logic in Russia].pdf
118. V.A.Bazhanov - Imaginary geometry of N.I.Lobachevsky and imaginary logic of
119. V.A.Bazhanov - Pre-Godelian, Post-Godelian and non-Godelian Philosophy of
120. V.A.Bazhanov - Restoration S.A.Yanovskaya's path in logic.pdf
121. V_ S_ Bibler - Самостоянье человека V_ S_ Bibler.htm
122. V_V_Bychkov - On the 2000 anniversary of christian culture.htm
124. Valentin A. Bazhanov - Philosophy in Post-Soviet Russia (1992–1997).pdf
125. Valentin A. Bazhanov - The fate of one forgotten idea. N.A.VASILIEV and his
imaginary logic.pdf
126. Valentin A. Bazhanov - The Origins And Becoming Of Non-Classical Logic In
Russia (XIX - the turn of XX century).pdf
127. Valentin A. Bazhanov - The Rationality of Russia and Rationality of the
128. Valentin A. Bazhanov - The Scholar and the Wolfhound Era. The Fate of Ivan
E. Orlov’s Ideas in Logic, Philosophy, and Science.pdf
129. Valentine A. Bazhanov - Shadow Science in the Soviet Union.pdf
130. VIVOS VOCO В_ Вацуро, Карамзин возвращается.htm
131. VIVOS VOCO И_ Грекова, Необязательные украшения.htm
132. VIVOS VOCO Лотман Ю_М_, Проблема Востока и Запада в творчестве позднего
133. VIVOS VOCO М_Л_ Гаспаров, Анализ поэтического текста Ю_ М_ Лотмана I960 -
1990-е годы.htm